Monday, 15 April 2013

The Final Countdown...

It's taken me a while to get around to this latest post, with the project in the final countdown, work commitments picking up and pitch preparation in full swing; I'm somewhat bereft of time! The pace has somewhat picked up on the project, with final fix activities nearing completion and the building beginning to take shape. So what's happened since my last update...

If anyone out there is looking to carry out a similar development, get the decorators in. I'm not one with a passion for decorating and the pavilion project has reinforced this and then some! Personally I racked up in excess of 50 hours, but we couldn't have done as well without the help of our volunteers from the club and the Natwest Bank in Yarm. During this years Natwest Cricket Force we got many of the painting tasks completed, along with the usual jobs of erecting the nets and working on the ground. We'd like to thank everyone who offered their support over the weekend, it was a great success and we owe all of that to you. Yarm Cricket Club gained a little slice of publicity in the Evening Gazette last Wednesday, unfortunately the article isn't available online, but I'll see if I can get it scanned for next weeks update.

Kirk Developments continue to excel, with work continuing at pace and no dip in standards of finish. Here's a quick run through of events...

Here's Dave from Redcar & Cleveland College installing the kitchen we purchased from Howdens Joinery, he's been ably assisted by club stalwart Pete and they did a great job. Dave has also helped us with all the benches for the changing rooms, these are to be installed at some point this week.

This is the huge hot water cylinder and boiler, which will run the heating and hot water. The final fix is virtually complete, with only final tests and connections to be made. Ashton Plumbing Heating and Gas have done an excellent job throughout and it's hoped the system will be tested and live sometime Wednesday.

The tea room is still full of clutter, but you should be able to make out the radiator, but also the new lighting, emergency lighting and smoke alarm. Electrix North East have done an admirable job of rewiring a somewhat under supplied building. We looked into acquiring a new electrical supply, but at a cost of £10k this was deemed unfeasible and we opted to lean more towards the cheaper gas connection at £4k.

Changing rooms are virtually complete. Just a little painting left, fixtures and flooring. You can just see the new toilet cubicle to the right.

Showers in the home dressing room.

Rear elevation, incorporating new security lighting, meter box and external power point.

Fascias and cladding nearing completion, gutters were installed today and porch beam boxed in.

Latest view of the building.

So much will happen this week and all will be covered in next weeks post. Final activities include; gas meter installation, floor coverings, external drainage, guttering, rendering, shutters, benches and erecting the pavilion clock.

If you would like to help by donating to the project, we have extended the deadline to 26th April for donations via our Just Giving site and we're grateful to everyone who has donated so far. If you, a family member or a business would like to help and in turn have your name added to our honours board; then simply donate in excess of £50, leave a comment and we'll do the rest. As a Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC) we can also collect Gift Aid on most donations, this equates to an extra 25% on top of the original donation. The final honours board will be erected in the pavilion and unveiled at this years Family Fun Day on the 13th July.

To donate just follow this link: (don't forget to leave a comment)

I'll be back next week with possibly my final update, incorporating a guided tour of our new facility, brief run through of the weeks events and a big thank you to everyone who has supported our Inspired Pavilion Project.

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